Designed for New Orleans, NOAH is a pyramid-shaped mixed-use complex for 40,000 people that is meant to survive all sorts of severe weather, including a flood. Designed to float in the event of rising water levels, NOAH, also includes a host of other sustainable features, including renewable energy, organic gardens, transportation and waste and water recycling.
Floods often come up quickly with almost no warning, so it’s imperative to have safe and secure designs, especially in places known for flooding. Even regions that aren’t known for rising waters can be taken by surprise. Good flood design should first of all protect the lives of people who live there and then secondly be able to handle the force of the water and hopefully not be completely destroyed or ruined. With increases in the strength of hurricanes, changing weather patterns and rising sea levels, we have a lot of work ahead of us.Using the surging forces of the world’s oceans and rivers to our advantage may be one way to beat back rising water levels. GRO Architects has envisioned a series of energy-generating floating houses that link together in modular docking stations. The aquatic houses would soak up the energy of tides and currents around New York City to generate power. Since the homes are placed directly on the water, they are automatically prepared for rising water levels and take advantage of the free renewable energy they
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